Activities for caregivers to enjoy with care partners
Things to do (copy and paste links)
Things to view (copy and paste links)
Search for free streaming of ballet, opera, dance and musical performances.
Remote sessions: Zoom, Hangouts, FaceTime or Skype video session with one or multiple people: chat, eat dinner, or share happy hour or play a game “together”. Watch a movie together via Netflix Party.
Geisel Advocacy for Patients, LLC, offers support services to individuals with medical concerns, and their family members or other caregivers.
Email Roseanne 703-534-4030
A valuable resource for ALL CareHeroes™!
The Whole Care Network™ podcasts, blogs and videos provide the validation you need, the resources you seek, and the respite care you want to help you balance your Four Pillars of Care.
The DAWN Method teaches families and caregivers how to provide kind, person-centered care.
What is strength-based, person-centered dementia care?
The Dementia & Alzheimer’s Wellbeing Network (DAWN®) has developed an approach to dementia care that makes it possible for people living with dementia to stay home longer and exhibit fewer behavior problems, while their families have less stress and expense.
Email 208-388-8898
Soulstice Group creates the spark for growth and renewal that transforms lives, teams and organizations.
We all get stuck in patterns, situations, and perspectives. We struggle to figure out what’s next and how to move forward. Soulstice Group helps you determine what’s in your way, clear those obstacles, and find your best future path.
Email Soulstice Group 847-502-6605
Acacia Whole Health
Empowering clients to promote their own wellness - physical, mental, emotional, energetic - through natural modalities, education and modeling.
Offering: Traditional Naturopathy, ZYTO Biocommunication, EVOX Perception Reframing Therapy, Rife Therapy, Ionic Cleansing, Detoxification Programs, Female Hormone Balancing, Male Maintenance Programs, Nutritional Consulting and Support, Allergy Screening.
Dr. Rennetta Nikolic, TNP
Email Acacia 303-504-0772
Body & Brain Fitness
This Brain Health Fitness Program is designed to stimulate the brain through physical movement. The program consists of 21 Simple Tools for Lifelong Comfort and Ease™. These exercises address the five primary brain functions: strategic planning, memory and recall, analytical thinking, creativity and imagination, and kinesthetic learning. The 21 Tools are constructed to maintain the 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function and to improve joint mobility, balance, spinal flexibility, upper body strength and coordination. While designed to be performed seated in a chair, the exercises can be done on a bed, standing near or behind a chair, down on the floor or standing. Almost anyone, regardless of most physical conditions, can do the exercises that are based on everyday movements that are natural and organic, in order to stay physically active and mentally fit. Visit
The Feldenkrais Method® uses gentle movement to increase ease and range of motion, improve flexibility and coordination and to encourage efficient movement. The experience consists of pleasurable movement delivered with the feeling of warmth and attention.
Based on the principles of physics, biomechanics and human learning, this process often enhances a person’s quality of life by allowing them to remain physically active, improve balance, ease breathing, increase relaxation and reduce pain. The result is often increased confidence in movement and social engagement, allowing for a greater ability to sense themselves and their surroundings, often recovering skills that were previously thought lost. Visit to find a practitioner.
Combining dance, martial arts and mindfulness, Nia tones your body while transforming your mind. More than just a workout, Nia is a holistic fitness practice addressing each aspect of your life - body, mind and soul.
Nia cardio-dance workouts combine 52 simple moves with dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts to get you fit in 60 minutes - body, mind, emotion, and spirit.
Nia is non-impact and adaptable to individual needs and abilities. Nia classes are taught by licensed Nia teachers.
In addition to “classic” Nia, Nia offers a Moving to Heal class that focuses on slower, even more mindful movement with the intention of healing.
All classes can be found on by using the “Find Nia”, then “Classes” option. Other Nia classes include 5 Stages and Freedance.
NiaTV allows streaming access to all forms of Nia classes, making them available anytime, anywhere, and on your own devices for a minimal monthly fee.
The Comfort in Their Journey® Book Series
A Most Meaningful Life, my dad and Alzheimer’s
Peaceful Endings, guiding the walk to the end of life and beyond
Through the Rabbit Hole, navigating the maze of providing care
Items below with an * are Trish’s personal favorites.
Be with me Today, A challenge to the Alzheimer’s outside by Richard Taylor, Ph.D. DVD:
A psychologist and professor diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at 58 explains what it is like to have the disease, how people treat him and how they should treat him – that there is a person in there.
Contented Dementia by Oliver James
Based on the SPECAL (Specialized Early Care for Alzheimer’s) method, this book delves into the feelings and past memories that remain intact in a person living with Alzheimer’s, and how both can be used to create links to the loss of more recent information.
Dementia with Dignity, Living Well with Alzheimer’s or Dementia Using the DAWN Method by Judy Cornish
Dementia with Dignity is a how-to guidebook that details ways to make it easier to provide dementia home care for people experiencing Alzheimer’s or dementia and postpone the expense of long-term care.
The Dementia Handbook, How to Provide Dementia Care at Home by Judy Cornish
The Dementia Handbook is an introduction to the DAWN Method—kind, strength-based, person-centered dementia care.
Gates Notes, the blog of Bill Gates
Why I’m digging deep into Alzheimer’s blogpost
* I’m Still Here, A New Philosophy of Alzheimer’s Care by John Zeisel, Ph.D.
I’m Still Here is a guidebook to Dr. Zeisel’s treatment ideas, showing the possibility and benefits of connecting with an Alzheimer’s patient through their abilities that don’t diminish with time, thereby offering a quality of life with connection to others.
Kismet From the Joy of Romance to the Agony of Alzheimer’s by Elizabeth Gibbons Van Ingen
* The Spectrum of Hope, An Optimistic and New Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias by Gayatri Devi, M.D.
The author defines Alzheimer’s as a spectrum disease that affects different people differently. She encourages early treatment which enables doctors and caregivers to effectively manage the disease, allowing those diagnosed with it to continue to live fulfilling lives.
Dignified Care
An American Sickness How healthcare became big business and how you can take it back by Elisabeth Rosenthal
Another Country Navigating the emotional terrain of our elders by Mary Pipher, Ph.D.
* Being Mortal, Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande
In the inevitable condition of aging and death, the goals of medicine too frequently run counter to the interest of the human spirit. This book offers examples of freer, more socially fulfilling models for assisting the aging and end of life.
Caregiving for Your Elderly Parents, Real Stories to Help You Care for Your Loved Ones by Marky Olson, M.ED. and Dauna Easley, M.ED.
Sharing tips and encouragement for the sandwich generation.
* Honest Medicine, Shattering the myths about aging and health care by Donald J Dr. Murphy, M.D.
Dr. Murphy sets the record straight on popular myths, mistakes and misconceptions in regard to the controversial issues associated with health care for older patients and the importance of understanding the pros and cons of treatments.
* Learning from Hannah, Secrets for a Life Worth Living by William H. Thomas, M.D.
Through storytelling, this book addresses the value of elders to the community as a whole and focuses on 10 principles necessary to meet their needs which include eliminating the three greatest causes of suffering: loneliness, helplessness and boredom. The 10 principles have become the basis for a real-world project, the Eden Alternative, dedicated to creating quality of life for elders and their care partners, wherever they may live.
Life After the Diagnosis, Expert Advice on Living Well with Serious Illness for Patients and Caregivers by Steven Z. Pantilat, MD
A guide to living well with serious illness and getting the best possible end-of-life care.
End of Life
Caring for the Dying The Doula Approach to a Meaningful Death by Henry Fersko-Weiss
* Grieving to Believing Discovering the Afterlife by Deb Sheppard
It’s OK That You’re Not OK: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn’t Understand by Megan Devine
* The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, The Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo
This book offers a strategy for sorting through volumes of items, identifying what pass along.
The Soul Midwives Handbook The Holistic and Spiritual Care of the Dying by Felicity Warner
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
A neurosurgeon’s perspective as a patient with stage 4 lung cancer and the question of what makes a life worth living.
When Souls Take Flight, coping with grief by Kira Rosner
A non-sectarian view of what happens when we die, with compassionate advice for anyone who is grieving.
Patient Advocacy
You Bet Your Life! The 10 Reasons You Need a Professional Patient Advocate by Your Side by Trisha Torrey
You Bet Your Life! The 10 Mistakes Every Patient Makes by Trisha Torrey